Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Simple MTG Tooltips

This builds on the Simple Inline Tooltips script I posted a few days ago. Simply specify the name of a Magic: The Gathering card in an inline span, and this script will automatically attach a tooltip with the card's image, and link to the card's Gatherer page.

Getting Started

Include jQuery, inlinetooltip.1.0.js, inlinemtg.1.0.js, and (optionally) inlinetooltip.1.0.css in your page's header:

    <script src=""/> 
    <link href="./inlinetooltip.1.0.css" rel="stylesheet"/> 
    <script src="./inlinetooltip.1.0.js"/>  
    <script src="./inlinemtg.1.0.js"/>

Then, just wrap the name of any card in a <span> with the "inlinemtg" class, and the script will do the rest:

    <span class="inlinemtg">Lightning Bolt</span>


Basic functionality:


    Lightning Bolt

    <span class="inlinemtg">Lightning Bolt</span>

With the custom data attribute data-name, you can display something other than the card name in place of the link text / tooltip trigger:


    Custom link text

    <span class="inlinemtg" data-name="Lightning Bolt">Custom link text</span>

With the custom data attribute data-set you can retrieve a particular set's version of a card. Most common ways of referring to a set (printed prior to March 2014) will be correctly translated (via a data table) to a Gatherer set code. (In order to be futureproof, if no match is found, the script assumes you know what you are doing and uses whatever you specified.)


    Lightning Bolt

    <span class="inlinemtg" data-set="Alpha">Lightning Bolt</span>

With the custom data attribute data-multiverseid, you can retrieve a card by multiverse id rather than by name:


    Italian Lightning Bolt

    <span class="inlinemtg" data-multiverseid="225652">Italian Lightning Bolt

With the custom data attribute data-options, you can pass a string to the Gatherer image handler's "options" parameter, "rotate90" for example:


    Fire // Ice

    <span class="inlinemtg" data-options="rotate90">Fire // Ice</span>

A note on split cards: Gatherer's image handler will accept split card names (like "Fire // Ice"), but the search handler chokes on them. The only way I know of to correctly link to a split card on Gatherer is by multiverse id:


    Fire and Ice

    <span class"inlinemtg" data-multiverseid="292753" data-options="rotate90"> 
    Fire and Ice</span>

Source Code

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